
The most beautiful village of Spain

Halfway between Her­migua and Valle­hermoso lies nes­tled on the slopes, sur­round­ed by steep faces on three sides, with a beau­ti­ful view of the sea, the picure-book vil­lage of Agu­lo. Tenerife’s vol­cano “Pico del Tei­de” ris­es at the hori­zon, omnipresent is the expan­sive blue sur­face of the Atlantic Ocean. The region radi­ates a mag­i­cal feel of the unique Gomer­an clu­ture and his­to­ry. Walk on the tracks of the orig­i­nal inhab­i­tants and set­tlers and enjoy decel­er­at­ing hik­ing holidays.

Accom­mo­da­tion La Gomera
Hol­i­day homes and apart­ments on La Gomera
Tabea Zier­au

GOMERA individual

Since 2004 I medi­ate hol­i­day homes, apart­ments and rental car book­ings on the small­est & west­ern Canary islands La Gomera, El Hier­ro and La Pal­ma. The first years I was liv­ing in Valle­hermoso (La Gomera) with my fam­i­ly. For some time the office is sit­u­at­ed in Ger­many, and I trav­el to the most beau­ti­ful islands in the sea sev­er­al times a year.

I know all accom­mo­da­tions, all house own­ers per­son­al­ly, take the pho­tos myself and reg­u­lar­ly check the qual­i­ty of the hous­es on site. My pro­gram is small and fine: I only offer hol­i­day homes in which I feel com­fort­able and which I can real­ly rec­om­mend. So to get to know the islands far from the tourist paths, you’ve come to the right place at GOMERA indi­vid­ual: it’s Canarias auténticas.

Car rental at best price

Get there and away: information about the trip