Casa rural El Cabezo

Accommodation details

Ameni­ties:kitchen: fridge-/freez­er com­bi­na­tion, gas hob, cook­er hood, toast­er, elec­tric ket­tle, fil­ter cof­fee machine, stove­top espres­so mak­er, microwave with grill, elec­tric cit­rus juicer, kitchen­ware, tow­els
liv­ing room: sofa and sofa-bed, satel­lite TV/radio, DVD-play­er, CD-play­er/ra­dio, library, heat­ing
bed­room 1: dou­ble bed (140x195cm), bed linen
bed­room 2: two sin­gle beds (90x195cm), bed linen
bath­room 1: show­er, WC, hairdry­er, tow­els
bath­room 2: show­er, WC, tow­els; wash­ing machine
gar­den with ter­race, patio: gar­den fur­ni­ture
inter­net access (Wi-Fi)
Loca­tion:28°10’4.44″N 17°15’51.83″W
330 m ASL
Sur­round­ings:Playa de Valle­hermoso 5 km
super­mar­ket 2 km
restau­rant 2 km
bus stop 2 km →
nation­al park 2.7 km
har­bour of San Sebastián 40 km
Island:La Gomera

Casa rur­al El Cabezo

Casa rur­al El Cabezo is sit­u­at­ed near lake La Encan­ta­do­ra (the enchant­i­ng), the biggest sweet water reser­voir of Valle­hermoso. It is a beau­ti­ful place, offer­ing stun­ning views over Valle­hermosos main val­ley. Green ter­races and banana plan­ta­tions grace the val­ley up to the mighty peek, the Roque El Cano. The ameni­ties sat­is­fy high­est expec­ta­tions. Wire­less inter­net access (Wi-Fi) is placed at your dis­pos­al, park­ing is in front of the house.

The cen­tre of the vil­lage Valle­hermoso (2 km) pro­vides you with sev­er­al small restau­rants, shops and super­mar­kets. And on week­days between 9 and 12 you can go shop­ping for region­al spe­cial­i­ties such as goat cheese and Mojo-sauce as well as fresh fruit and veg­eta­bles on the farm­ers’ mar­ket under­neath the town hall at the Plaza de la Constitución.


hol­i­day home for up to 5 peo­ple
liv­ing space ca. 50m², patio ca. 7.5 m², garden/ ter­race ca. 65 m²
floor plan (PDF)

Low season

11.04.2023 – 30.09.2023

2 peo­ple: 59 EUR / night
3 peo­ple:66 EUR / night
4 peo­ple:73 EUR / night
5 peo­ple:80 EUR / night

Main season

01.10.2022 – 10.04.2023
01.10.2023 – 10.04.2024

2 peo­ple:65 EUR / night
3 peo­ple:72 EUR / night
4 peo­ple:79 EUR / night
5 peo­ple:86 EUR / night

min­i­mum 5 nights;
chil­dren 0-2 years free, baby­cot avail­able;
week­ly clean­ing and final clean­ing inclusive


Customer reviews

The stay on La Gomera was won­der­ful. Valle­hermoso is beau­ti­ful and per­fect­ly locat­ed (if you have a car). Every­thing went very smooth, the property’s own­er was very nice, the house was per­fect, the weath­er great, and the island both impres­sive and very friend­ly. Thank you for all the service.

– Hed­de

We have had a love­ly week in this won­der­ful cot­tage. It is a nice and taste­ful­ly dec­o­rat­ed place in beau­ti­ful sur­round­ings. We have enjoyed our short stay on the island very much. Some­day we will def­i­nite­ly come back.

– Dor­ret & Martin

A love­ly place we have enjoyed. Every­thing was great, espe­cialy the meet­ing with Fernando.

– Anony­mous, with­in the con­text of our online survey

Dear Fer­nan­do & Elena,
Thank-you very much for let­ting us stay in your house for a great 2 weeks. Out of all the hous­es we have stayed in on La Gomera, this has defi­nate­ly been the best, and see­ing as we have been com­ing here for 6 years, it means quite a lot! You do have to have quite a strong stom­ach com­ing here as there were 172 bends in the road from here to Her­migua, (these bends were count­ed numer­ous times by Nicholas who always looked slighty green) but it was with­out a doubt worth it. The help of a decent map improved our find­ings and we man­aged to dis­cov­er a beau­ti­ful sandy beach just around the cor­ner from Castil­lo del Mar and accessed by an hours walk, per­fect! On Christ­mas day, we had a great time at La Cale­ta and after a huge din­ner we had a nice walk around the reser­voir where Dad and Nicholas had a rather scary fight with bam­boo sticks around it. Thank-you again for such a nice stay,

– Jes­si­ca, Annie, Gavin & Nicholas

Dear Fer­nan­do –
Thanks for let­ting us use your fine house. It’s been com­fort­able and relax­ing, and a fine base for walk­ing. We rec­om­mend to oth­er vis­i­tors the walk up to El Tión [genau! sehr gut ISI !] and the Roque Blan­co restau­rant, and then back down right under the Roque Cano into Valle­hermoso. The oth­er walk that was top notch was out of Agu­lo – a pret­ty place, by the way – up the cliff towards La Palmi­ta, then round to the vis­i­tor cen­tre (worth a look insinde), then down the ridge and along to Agu­lo. Excel­lent in itself, but also great views over to Tener­ife. It will be a shock to go back to Scot­tish weath­er, after all this sun­shine and mild­ness… but we have to go. Per­haps we’ll be back some day, though…

– Matthew & Ella

Dear Fer­nan­do, we would like to say thank you for your hos­pi­tal­i­ty and for mak­ing us feel so wel­come here. We enjoyed our­selves in your pret­ty house. Baby Lucie loved it too!

– Diane

Fer­nan­do, We’ve had a most enjoy­able and inter­est­ing week – walked for hours in this love­ly val­ley and motored round much of the island – some of it a hair-rais­ing expe­ri­ence!! The Castell just down on the coast was well worth the vis­it. Our best wish­es to you

– Andy & Pauline

Dear Fer­nan­do, we had a love­ly time here in La Gomera. The house is so cosy, a real ‘Home from Home’. We will def­i­nite­ly be back.

– Ann & Joan

Dear Fer­nan­do
Thank you for your hos­pi­tal­i­ty and a relax­ing week in your love­ly home – every bit as good as the pic­tures on the web­site! We’ve not had the best of weath­er but have impressed our­selves with three dra­mat­ic walks – so nice to be able to strike out from here with­out hav­ing to dri­ve first. The flow­ers and fau­na have knocked us out and they looked at their best as we walked over the hills to Los Loros and back down the val­ley to the house. Today, our last day, we climbed what appeared to be a sheer cliff at Agu­lo and looked across to Tener­ife float­ing above the clouds. Magic!
Muchas gracias

– Peter & Chessy

Thanks a mil­lion for every­thing! This was an amaz­ing hol­i­day one that will sure­ly be remem­bered for a very long time. Thanks also to you and your fam­i­ly for your hos­pi­tal­i­ty @ Epina the oth­er day. It was a rare treat to spend this time w/ you and your com­mu­ni­ty and learn a part of your cul­ture AMAZING! We appre­ci­ate your pas­sion for com­mu­ni­ty and keep­ing alive past tra­di­tions so they do not get lost in this mod­ern world. We were very for­tu­nate to have had this time here on la gomera. Thank you thank you thank you.
All the best

– Andy & Rich

Dear Sir Fernando,
your fun­ny, won­der­ful, beau­ti­ful, cosy cot­tage is one of the most impres­sive hous­es we ever hired through whole Europe. The sun on your ter­race is of great plea­sure in the morn­ing. You have a great view on the val­ley in front of you, with the sound of nature in the back­ground. We were here already 10 years ago with a walk­ing group, and how it has been changed; amaz­ing. The roads are bet­ter now; there is a big SPAR in the vil­lage where you can find almost every­thing you need for cook­ing a good meal. Thanks for the palm hon­ey, I used it already for my first break­fast, also deli­cious on pan­cakes. And of course thanks for the local wine and the small local drinks (those have a spe­cial taste).

– Annelies & Filip

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Casa rur­al El Cabezo is avail­able for select­ed dates. 

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Prices start at: 295  for 5 nights