Casa Maribel

Accommodation details

Ameni­ties:KITCHEN/ DINING AREA: fridge, 2-ring induc­tion cook­er, sol­id wood kitchen work sur­face, over cup­boards with full glass­ware, crock­ery, food stor­age, under cup­boards for rub­bish bin, cook­ware, mix­er, toast­er, plunge pot, fil­ter & cafetera, microwave oven, teapot, usu­al kitchen tools & equip­ment, Bri­ta water fil­ter; Din­ing table 6 chairs.
LIVING ROOM/ LIBRARY: large room with floor to ceil­ing window/doors open­ing onto a French bal­cony & love­ly views down the val­ley; library area with book­shelves con­tain­ing hun­dreds of Eng­lish and Span­ish books and a cou­ple of shelves of Ger­man and French books; access to high­er shelves by the library lad­der; small win­dow above an oak writ­ing desk; TV; music/radio sys­tem, large wood­en tra­di­tion­al bed set­tee with cush­ions, 3 place set­tee with cush­ions, arm­chair, side tables; inter­net
BEDROOM: dou­ble bed (160x200 cm), wardrobe stor­ing extra blan­kets, bed­side shelf with light, 3 draw­er chest with side light, wall light, dou­ble wood­en win­dow doors open­ing onto a French bal­cony with views to the val­ley side, dou­ble win­dow open­ing to the val­ley side view. 
BATHROOM: Shower/ bath­tub, WC, bidet, hairdry­er, tow­els.
ROOF TERRACE: a spi­ral stair­case out­side Maribel’s door leads up to a shel­tered roof ter­race fur­nished with 2 sunbeds, a table and chairs; there are plants, views down and across the val­ley and a large sun­shade, and a wash­ing machine.
inter­net access (Wi-Fi)
Loca­tion:28°6’28.60″N 17°19’28.87″W
190 m ASL
Sur­round­ings:Playa Maria (Playa de la Calera) 2.6 km
Char­co del Conde (Baby­beach) 3 km
super­mar­ket (Uda­co Los Grana­dos) 800 m
restau­rant (Federico’s) 400 m
bus stop 50 m →
nation­al park 8 km
har­bour of San Sebastián 48 km
Island:La Gomera
City:Valle Gran Rey

Casa Mari­bel

Final­ly, luck­i­ly back in our pro­gram: we missed you so much! Casa Mari­bel is a cosy, beau­ti­ful­ly equipped apart­ment, sun-flood­ed with roof ter­race and won­der­ful views to the val­ley of the great king. the per­fect place for book lovers and hik­ers, an ide­al place for 2 to 3 peo­ple. On ground floor, Casa Per­la offers room for anoth­er 2-3 people.

Casa Mari­bel and Casa Per­la have won Car­ta Euro­pea de Tur­is­mo Sostenible sta­tus for good prac­tice and are mem­bers of the Aso­ciación de Tur­is­mo Sostenible. Most hik­ing paths out of the val­ley start near­by. The house has high ceil­ings, designed to reduce heat dur­ing the hot­ter months of the year. Enjoy extra­or­di­nary views from the house, in mid val­ley, down over agri­cul­tur­al land, fruit trees and banana plan­ta­tions to the sea. 


Hol­i­day home for up to 3 peo­ple
Well equipped sun­trap with roof ter­race
liv­ing space ca. 59 m², roof ter­race ca. 40 m²
Floor plan (PDF)

01 MAR 2024 - 17 DEC 2024
01 MAR 2025 - 17 DEC 2025

2 Peo­ple: 73 EUR / Night
3 Peo­ple:84 EUR / Night

18 DEC 2024 - 28 FEB 2025
18 DEC 2025 - 28 DEB 2026

2 Peo­ple:79 EUR / Night
3 Peo­ple:90 EUR / Night

min­i­mum 6 nights;
Suit­able for fam­i­lies with chil­dren from 8 years.
final clean­ing inclusive



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Reserve of 1 avail­able accommodations. 

Casa Mari­bel is avail­able for select­ed dates. 

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Prices start at: 474  for 6 nights