Casa de Milán

Accommodation details

Ameni­ties:kitchen: fridge-/freez­er com­bi­na­tion, ceram­ic hob, cook­er hood, oven, microwave, dish­wash­er, fil­ter cof­fee machine, stove­top espres­so mak­er, sand­wich mak­er, kitchen­ware, tow­els
din­ing room: din­ing table for six peo­ple, CD-play­er/ra­dio
liv­ing room:
TV (local pro­grammes only), DVD-play­er
sofa bed (130x200cm), bed-linen
bed­room 1, ensuite: dou­ble bed (150x200cm), bed-linen; walk-in clos­et; bath­room
bed­room 2: two sin­gle beds (each 90x200cm), bed-linen
bath­room 1: ensuite with bed­room 1, bath­tub, show­er, WC, hairdry­er, tow­els
bath­room 2: show­er, WC, bidet, tow­els
Sec­ondary room: wash­ing machine, iron and iron­ing board
ter­races, fin­ca: ter­race fur­ni­ture, 2 sun­loungers
inter­net access (Wi-Fi)
Loca­tion:28°10’23.87″N 17°16’10.80″W
275 m ASL
Sur­round­ings:Playa de Valle­hermoso 4.3 km
super­mar­ket 1 km
restau­rant 1 km
bus stop 1.1 km →
nation­al park 3 km
har­bour of San Sebastián 40 km
Island:La Gomera

Casa de Milán

Time seems to stand still in Macayo, at the edge of the vil­lage of Valle­hermoso. Sin­gle hous­es nes­tle astray in the smooth land­scape of the love­ly val­ley, between ter­raced fields and date palms. In the first half of the 20th cen­tu­ry – time of pros­per­i­ty at Valle­hermoso – the thourogh­ly restored Casa de Milán was built. The very well equipped hol­i­day home Milán offers a dap­per inte­ri­or and won­der­ful views of the vil­lage and land­scape, the mighty Roque El Cano and the sea. The house is ide­al for those seek­ing qui­et and decel­er­a­tion, for hik­ers and families.

The vil­lage cen­ter of Valle­hermoso with sev­er­al small restaurants/ bars and a SPAR-super­mar­ket is about 1 km from the cot­tage. Some of the most beau­ti­ful hik­ing trails of the island start right there. And on week­days between 9 and 12 you can go shop­ping for region­al spe­cial­i­ties such as goat cheese and Mojo-sauce as well as fresh fruit and veg­eta­bles on the farm­ers’ mar­ket under­neath the town hall at the Plaza de la Constitución.


hol­i­day home for up to 6 peo­ple
liv­ing space ca. 95m², two ter­races ca. 45 m²
floor plan (PDF)

Low season

22.04.2025 – 30.09.2025

2 peo­ple: 78 EUR / night
3 peo­ple:86 EUR / night
4 peo­ple:94 EUR / night
5 peo­ple:102 EUR / night
6 peo­ple:110 EUR / night

Main season

01.10.2024 – 21.04.2025
01.10.2025 – 21.04.2026

2 peo­ple:83 EUR / night
3 peo­ple:91 EUR / night
4 peo­ple:99 EUR / night
5 peo­ple:107 EUR / night
6 peo­ple:115 EUR / night

min­i­mum 6 nights;
chil­dren 0-2 years free, baby­cot avail­able;
week­ly clean­ing and final clean­ing inclusive


Customer reviews

We had a won­der­ful time, escap­ing the eng­lish win­ter and enjoy­ing the beau­ty of this island. Casa Milán is a very peace­ful and beau­ti­ful place to stay. Our lit­tle Oscar enjoyed every minute of it… espe­cial­ly water­ing the pots! 🙂 We hope to come again soon. The windy night was added bonus.

– Mila, Jamie and Oscar

Thank you for let­ting us use your beau­ti­ful house. Every­thing was per­fect, and we enjoyed being here very much. La Gomera is the best of the Canarias, and we have now seen many var­ied parts of it. The walk to and from the town is not too daunt­ing, and we were blessed with superb weath­er. We will be back!!

– Clive, Jane, Alan & Izzy

We have thor­ough­ly enjoyed our stay at Casa de Milán – our first vis­it on La Gomera. We have been able to vis­it most parts of the island and have done some super walks. The Roque del Cano walk was the best!
The island is very var­ied. Yes­ter­day we walked the Gara­jon­ay among the clouds at 8°C in the morn­ing and in the after­noon were enjoy­ing fresh juice in San­ti­a­go in the sun at 22°C.
We also love the Gomer­an spe­cial­i­ties que­so asa­do con miel de pal­ma! Excel­lent fruits every­where we went. We par­tic­u­lar­ly rec­om­mend the Roque Blan­co restau­rant on the Roque del Cano walk!
¡Muchas Gracias!

– Dami­an and Raluka

Many thanks for the use of your love­ly house – and for your kind­ness in leav­ing us the Christ­mas dec­o­ra­tion, the infor­ma­tion about La Gomera, the deil­cious cake, the gar­den fruits (much appre­ci­at­ed!) – and the charm­ing dog Coco. We spent a very enjoy­able few days here at Casa de Milán and hope to come again one day.

– Lin­da, Mar­tin, Willam & Kate

Dear Inma,
thank you very much for your warm wel­come, your love­ly lit­tle gifts dur­ing the stay and for pro­vid­ing us this beau­ti­ful house. We also had a lot of fun with its guests Coco & the cat!!!
We had a very nice HOLIDAY

– Frank, Anja, Jule

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Casa de Milán is avail­able for select­ed dates. 

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Prices start at: 498  for 6 nights