Car rental on La Palma
Getting around with reliable local partners
Being mobile on La PalÂma at conÂsisÂtentÂly favorÂable prices, from 24.00 EUR per day: Our localÂly based car rental partÂner (since 2019) is reliÂable, friendÂly and offers first-class serÂvice. The rental vehiÂcles are in perÂfect conÂdiÂtion (techÂniÂcalÂly and visuÂalÂly). ColÂleagues speak EngÂlish, SpanÂish and GerÂman and can be reached 24 hours in case of emergency.
Price list low season 2024-2025
4-6 days | 7+ days | ||
(A) Kia PicanÂto or similar | (4 doors, 4 seats, 60 kW) | 28.50* | 24.50* |
(B) CitÂroen C3, Seat Ibiza or similar | (5 doors, 5 seats, 62 kW) | 30.50* | 26.50* |
(C) VolkÂswaÂgen Polo TSI, Kia Rio Active or similar | (5 doors, 5 seats, 69 kW) | 31.50* | 27.50* |
(D) NisÂsan Juke, Kia StonÂic or similar | (5 doors, 5 seats, 69-77 kW) | 49.50* | 37.50* |
(E) VolkÂswaÂgen Polo AutoÂmatÂic, Karoq AutoÂmatÂic or similar | (5 doors, 5 seats, 81 kW) | 49.50* | 37.50* |
Low seaÂson: 23rd NovemÂber to 15th DecemÂber 2024, 5th JanÂuÂary to 30th March 2025, 20th to 30th April 2025
Price list high season 2024-2025
4-6 days | 7+ days | ||
(A) Kia PicanÂto or similar | (4 doors, 4 seats, 60 kW) | 30.50* | 27.50* |
(B) CitÂroen C3, Seat Ibiza or similar | (5 doors, 5 seats, 62 kW) | 33.50* | 29.50* |
(C) VolkÂswaÂgen Polo TSI, Kia Rio Active or similar | (5 doors, 5 seats, 69 kW) | 38.50* | 32.50* |
(D) NisÂsan Juke, Kia StonÂic or similar | (5 doors, 5 seats, 69-77 kW) | 57.50* | 43.50* |
(E) VolkÂswaÂgen Polo AutoÂmatÂic, Karoq AutoÂmatÂic or similar | (5 doors, 5 seats, 81 kW) | 57.50* | 43.50* |
High seaÂson: 1st to 22nd NovemÂber 2024, 16th DecemÂber 2024 to 14th JanÂuÂary 2025, 1st to 19th April 2025
Pick up and drop off
The car will be ready for you at the port of SanÂta Cruz de La PalÂma, where your ferÂry arrives, or at the airÂport of La PalÂma (SPC). SimÂply leave the car there on the day of your deparÂture. At pick up you are asked to present an idenÂtiÂty docÂuÂment, a valid driver’s license and a credÂit card (Visa or MasÂterÂcard). Extra charge for pick up or drop off as follows:
Request an individual offer
Please be so kind to subÂmit the folÂlowÂing inforÂmaÂtion so we can proÂvide a suitÂable rental car offer for your stay on La PalÂma and answer your quesÂtions. If you don’t want to use the form, alterÂnaÂtiveÂly e-mail us at
Feedback on rental car

GOMERA individual
Since 2004 I mediÂate holÂiÂday homes, apartÂments and rental car bookÂings on the smallÂest & westÂern Canary islands La Gomera, El HierÂro and La PalÂma. The first years I was livÂing in ValleÂhermoso (La Gomera) with my famÂiÂly. For some time the office is sitÂuÂatÂed in GerÂmany, and I travÂel to the most beauÂtiÂful islands in the sea sevÂerÂal times a year.
I know all accomÂmoÂdaÂtions, all house ownÂers perÂsonÂalÂly, take the phoÂtos myself and regÂuÂlarÂly check the qualÂiÂty of the housÂes on site. My proÂgram is small and fine: I only offer holÂiÂday homes in which I feel comÂfortÂable and which I can realÂly recÂomÂmend. So to get to know the islands far from the tourist paths, you’ve come to the right place at GOMERA indiÂvidÂual: it’s Canarias auténticas.