Car rental on La Palma

Getting around with reliable local partners

Being mobile on La Pal­ma at con­sis­tent­ly favor­able prices, from 24.00 EUR per day: Our local­ly based car rental part­ner (since 2019) is reli­able, friend­ly and offers first-class ser­vice. The rental vehi­cles are in per­fect con­di­tion (tech­ni­cal­ly and visu­al­ly). Col­leagues speak Eng­lish, Span­ish and Ger­man and can be reached 24 hours in case of emergency.

  • all tax­es included
  • unlim­it­ed mileage
  • addi­tion­al dri­ver with­out surcharge
  • pas­sen­ger and third-par­ty insur­ance included
  • com­pre­hen­sive insur­ance includ­ed, cov­er­ing car dam­ages (no excess) (SCDW/TP = exclude pos­si­ble dam­age of tyres, under­body, inside space)
  • Pre­mi­um SCDW (includ­ed are pos­si­ble dam­ages of tyres, under­body, inside space) from 6.00 EUR per day
  • child boost­er free of charge; infant car seat (Maxi­cosi) and Isofix 3 EUR per day
  • min­i­mum age: 23 years; driver’s license: for at least 2 years
  • deposit: by cred­it card of the main dri­ver 100 EUR (group A-E), 400 EUR (group F-H)
  • all vehi­cles with air con­di­tion­ing (AC), radio, ABS, airbag, cen­tral locking
  • ready for pick up/ drop off at the port of San­ta Cruz de la Pal­ma, at the air­port (SPC), or by arrangement
  • our car rental part­ner since autumn 2019: Autos Oasis La Palma

Price list low season 2024-2025

4-6 days
7+ days
(A) Kia Pican­to or similar(4 doors, 4 seats, 60 kW)28.50*24.50*
(B) Cit­roen C3, Seat Ibiza or similar(5 doors, 5 seats, 62 kW)30.50*26.50*
(C) Volk­swa­gen Polo TSI, Kia Rio Active or similar(5 doors, 5 seats, 69 kW)31.50*27.50*
(D) Nis­san Juke, Kia Ston­ic or similar(5 doors, 5 seats, 69-77 kW)49.50*37.50*
(E) Volk­swa­gen Polo Auto­mat­ic, Karoq Auto­mat­ic or similar(5 doors, 5 seats, 81 kW)49.50*37.50*
*EUR per day
Low sea­son: 23rd Novem­ber to 15th Decem­ber 2024, 5th Jan­u­ary to 30th March 2025, 20th to 30th April 2025

Price list high season 2024-2025

4-6 days
7+ days
(A) Kia Pican­to or similar(4 doors, 4 seats, 60 kW)30.50*27.50*
(B) Cit­roen C3, Seat Ibiza or similar(5 doors, 5 seats, 62 kW)33.50*29.50*
(C) Volk­swa­gen Polo TSI, Kia Rio Active or similar(5 doors, 5 seats, 69 kW)38.50*32.50*
(D) Nis­san Juke, Kia Ston­ic or similar(5 doors, 5 seats, 69-77 kW)57.50*43.50*
(E) Volk­swa­gen Polo Auto­mat­ic, Karoq Auto­mat­ic or similar(5 doors, 5 seats, 81 kW)57.50*43.50*
*EUR per day
High sea­son: 1st to 22nd Novem­ber 2024, 16th Decem­ber 2024 to 14th Jan­u­ary 2025, 1st to 19th April 2025

Pick up and drop off

The car will be ready for you at the port of San­ta Cruz de La Pal­ma, where your fer­ry arrives, or at the air­port of La Pal­ma (SPC). Sim­ply leave the car there on the day of your depar­ture. At pick up you are asked to present an iden­ti­ty doc­u­ment, a valid driver’s license and a cred­it card (Visa or Mas­ter­card). Extra charge for pick up or drop off as follows:

  • pick up and/or drop off at the air­port of La Pal­ma: free of charge
  • pick up at the port of San­ta Cruz de la Pal­mar: dur­ing the day 10 EUR, in the evening 20 EUR
  • drop off at the port of San­ta Cruz de la Pal­ma: free of charge

Request an individual offer

Please be so kind to sub­mit the fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion so we can pro­vide a suit­able rental car offer for your stay on La Pal­ma and answer your ques­tions. If you don’t want to use the form, alter­na­tive­ly e-mail us at

Feedback on rental car

Dear Tabea,
I would like to let you know how much we enjoyed our hol­i­day in La Palma.
All the arrange­ments made by you went smooth­ly and with­out any prob­lems, the car hire was both rea­son­able in cost and effi­cient, unlike car hire com­pa­nies is many coun­tries they did not require my cred­it card details or take an enor­mous break­age deposit in advance, that’s how car hire should be everywhere!
Vil­la Mal­va­sia is built and equipped to a very high stan­dard with inter­est­ing walks almost from the front doorstep. Salome and David could not have been more wel­com­ing and friendly.
In spite of the some­what unfriend­ly weath­er and a 23 hour delay on the return flight we hope to return next year, per­haps with two friends.
Very best wishes.

– John

Dear Timo, many thanks for sort­ing out our hire car on La Pal­ma at such short notice. It made the whole thing much less stress­ful and meant we were able to enjoy the whole day!

– Claire

Thank you very much for your medi­a­tion in our hol­i­day to La Pal­ma. We had a great time there and we enjoyed the casa very much. The ser­vice with the car was also very good. The own­er was wait­ing for us, even with our name on a sign. When we go to La Pal­ma again (and we sure­ly will) we will con­tact you again!

– Mar­i­je and Arnaut

Tabea Zier­au

GOMERA individual

Since 2004 I medi­ate hol­i­day homes, apart­ments and rental car book­ings on the small­est & west­ern Canary islands La Gomera, El Hier­ro and La Pal­ma. The first years I was liv­ing in Valle­hermoso (La Gomera) with my fam­i­ly. For some time the office is sit­u­at­ed in Ger­many, and I trav­el to the most beau­ti­ful islands in the sea sev­er­al times a year.

I know all accom­mo­da­tions, all house own­ers per­son­al­ly, take the pho­tos myself and reg­u­lar­ly check the qual­i­ty of the hous­es on site. My pro­gram is small and fine: I only offer hol­i­day homes in which I feel com­fort­able and which I can real­ly rec­om­mend. So to get to know the islands far from the tourist paths, you’ve come to the right place at GOMERA indi­vid­ual: it’s Canarias auténticas.

La Gomera, El Hierro, La Palma: three Canary Islands

Get there and away: information about the trip