Roque Las Campanas

Details zur Unterkunft

Ameni­ties:Liv­ing room/ kitchen (com­bined): fridge-/freez­er com­bi­na­tion, ceram­ic hob, oven, microwave, fil­ter cof­fee machine, espres­so mak­er, elec­tric ket­tle, toast­er, mix­er, kitchen­ware, wash­ing machine, tow­els;
Sofa/ bed sofa (140x200 cm), TV (local chan­nels), inter­net access (Wi-Fi)
Bed room: dou­ble bed (130x195 cm), iron, bed linen
Bath­room: show­er, WC, hairdry­er, tow­els
Ter­race: sun­loungers, table and chairs, sea view
Beach 50m
Inter­net access (Wi-Fi)
Loca­tion:27°49’28.73“N 17°53’46.07“W
17 m ASL
Sur­round­ings:Beach (El Tamaduste) 50 m
Super­mar­ket: 50 m
Restau­rant (Hari­na y Tomate) 20 m
Valverde 8 km
Valle del Gol­fo 20 km
Air­port 2,5 km
Har­bor Puer­to de la Esta­ca 7 km
Insel:El Hier­ro
Ort:El Tamaduste

Roque Las Campanas

The hol­i­day home “Roque Las Cam­panas” is locat­ed on the first floor of a pri­vate res­i­dence, right in the cen­ter of the small and iyl­lic ham­let of El Tamaduste. The apart­ment was com­plet­ed in sum­mer 2023. From the ter­race and the panoram­ic win­dow in the liv­ing room, guests have a wide, beau­ti­ful view of the sea and the sun­rise. The kitchen and liv­ing room are divid­ed by a counter. The bed­room is sep­a­rate. Access to the aparment is via an court­yard, and the sur­round­ings are qui­et. From there, it is only a few metres to the bathing beach, which offers per­fect swim­ming con­di­tions all year round.

El Tamaduste is a qui­et and cosy place. Here the sun shines almost every day, the tem­per­a­tures are mild and warm all year round. In the sum­mer, the lit­tle vil­lage awak­ens and turns into a pop­u­lar hol­i­day resort for Canari­an child-friend­ly tourism, then there are fies­tas and many events for fam­i­lies and chil­dren. The rest of the year it is qui­et. There is a small Ital­ian restau­rant, a bar and a well-stocked super­mar­ket open dai­ly a few metres away.


Hol­i­day home for up to 4 peo­ple
Liv­ing space ca. 48 m², veranda/terrace ca. 10 m²

from 4 nights

2 peo­ple: 60 EUR / night
3 peo­ple:67 EUR / night
4 peo­ple: 74 EUR / night

from 10 nights

2 peo­ple: 55 EUR / night
3 peo­ple:62 EUR / night
4 peo­ple: 69 EUR / night

Min­i­mum 4 nights;
chil­dren 0-2 years free, baby­cot and high chair avail­able;
final clean­ing inclusive



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Reserve of 1 avail­able accommodations. 

Roque Las Cam­panas is avail­able for select­ed dates. 

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Prices start at: 296  for 4 nights