Casita Mamei

Accommodation details

Ameni­ties:kitchen/ bed­room (com­bined):
fridge-/freez­er com­bi­na­tion, ceram­ic hob, microwave, fil­ter cof­fee machine, stove­top espres­so mak­er, elec­tric ket­tle, toast­er, elec­tric lemon squeez­er, kitchen­ware, tow­els;
dou­ble bed (140x200cm), bed linen
bath­room: show­er, WC, hair dry­er, tow­els
veranda/garden: fur­ni­ture, sun­loungers, fin­ca with fruit trees
inter­net access (Wi-Fi)
Vv 3860000288
Loca­tion:28° 5’31.11“N  17°20’13.61“W
20 m ASL
Sur­round­ings:Playa de la Pun­til­la 250 m
Playa Maria (Playa de la Calera) 600 m
Char­co del Conde (Baby­beach) 900 m
super­mar­ket (SPAR Bor­balán) 1 km
restau­rant 450 m
bus stop 160 m →
nation­al park 12 km
har­bour of San Sebastián 50 km
Island:La Gomera
City:Valle Gran Rey

Casita Mamei

The cosy stu­dio “Casita Mamei” is locat­ed on the same prop­er­ty as the apart­ments Fin­ca Adán and Fin­ca Eva. The hol­i­day home Casa Estela is next door. The stu­dio is taste­ful­ly fur­nished and offers space for one to two guests. It is very qui­et here. The apart­ment includes the wood­en-cov­ered veran­da in the mid­dle of the gar­den, sur­round­ed by trop­i­cal fruit trees (vis­i­ble from the dri­ve­way). From “Casita Mamei” it is just a few min­utes walk to the beach and the prom­e­nade. a vari­ety of cafés, bars, restau­rants and shops along­side the coast between Vueltas, La Pun­til­la and La Playa are easy to reach on foot.


hol­i­day home for 2 peo­ple
liv­ing space ca. 25 m², veranda/terrace ca. 30 m², gar­den ca. 50 m²
floor plan (PDF)

2 peo­ple: 74 EUR / night

min­i­mum 5 nights;
chil­dren 0-2 years free, baby­cot and high chair avail­able;
final clean­ing inclusive



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Reserve of 1 avail­able accommodations. 

Casita Mamei is avail­able for select­ed dates. 

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Prices start at: 518  for 7 nights