Casa rural El Cangrejo

Accommodation details

Ameni­ties:kitchen: fridge-/freez­er com­bi­na­tion, gas hob, oven, cook­er hood, cof­fee mak­er, espres­so cook­er, toast­er, cit­rus juicer, microwave, kitchen­ware, tow­els
liv­ing room: sofa, sofa bed, satel­lite TV/radio
bed­room 1: dou­ble bed (140x195cm), bed-linen
bed­room 2: two sin­gle beds (90×195 cm), bed-linen
bath­room: show­er, WC, tow­els
wash­ing machine
ter­race, veran­da: gar­den fur­ni­ture, sun­loungers, BBQ
gar­den, sea view
pri­vate access road, park­ing in front of the house
Loca­tion:27°49’5.31″N 17°53’27.30″W
35 m ASL
Sur­round­ings:beach (El Tamaduste) 1 km
super­mar­ket (Valverde) 7.5 km
bar-restau­rant (Hari­na y Tomate) 1 km
Valverde 7 km
Valle del Gol­fo 19 km
air­port 1.5 km (lin­ear dis­tance 250 m)
har­bour Puer­to de la Esta­ca 6.5 km
Island:El Hier­ro
City:El Tamaduste

Casa rur­al El Cangrejo

The taste­ful­ly restored Casa rur­al El Can­gre­jo is an ide­al place for hol­i­days with chil­dren: Sur­round­ed by an impres­sive vol­canic land­scape, an invi­ta­tion for explo­ration, the detached Casa rur­al is sit­u­at­ed in the mid­dle of 12.000 qm of land. The Lagu­na of Tamaduste, a nice place for bathing and snorkling, and the vil­lage are with­in 10 min­utes walk­ing distance.

The house lies with­in a small dip, there­fore the ter­race is wind-pro­tect­ed – per­fect for bar­be­cu­ing! The rooms offer a view of the sea, the sun­rise and the small air­port of El Hier­ro (six starts and land­ings per day, small prop air­lin­ers only).


2 peo­ple: 70 EUR / night
3 peo­ple: 81 EUR / night
4 peo­ple: 92 EUR / night

Hol­i­day home for up to 4 peo­ple
liv­ing space ca. 70m², ter­race ca. 100m², veran­da ca. 9m²
floor plan (PDF)

min­i­mum 5 nights;
chil­dren 0-2 years free, baby­cot and high­chair avail­able;
final clean­ing inclusive


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Reserve of 1 avail­able accommodations. 

Casa rur­al El Can­gre­jo is avail­able for select­ed dates. 

Prices start at:


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Prices start at: 350  for 5 nights